
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 00:26:57
电影的对白谁有呀? 分享一下

Honey :滑倒了没关系,重点是要装作没事继续跳下去。It doesn’t matter how you mess up.Just keep on dancing. (后半句英文没听出来)
  Mother:哈妮,如果你真的开了自己的舞蹈工作室,你会一头栽进去,这样你一辈子都会被牵绊住,永远无法离开这里。 Honey, a commitment like that ,you take that on .you’re gonna to be stopped here forever,you’ll never leave.

  Honey:对了,我忘了,我应该去看看这世界上其他的美好事物。Oh,I’ve forgot .I’m supposed to see other beautiful things in this world.

  Mother:我对你的期望并没有错。There’s nothing wrong with my wanting that for you.

  Honey:那我对自己的期望呢?No.But what about what I want?

  Mother:你才二十二岁,你根本不知道自己要的是什么。You’re twenty two years old.You don’t know what you want.
  Honey:你们知道住在这里让我看见了什么吗?我看见孩子们被问题家庭和烂学校所苦,永世不得超生。我也看到你提供给他们一个安全的避风港。或许是我太傻,因为我从来没有去过巴黎和米兰。但对我来说,我愿意留在这里,把这里变成天堂。? You know what I’ve seen living in this place?I’ve seen kids go from bad homes to bad schools and back again .And I’ve seen you afford a port to the place with those kids to keep them safe.Maybe I’m a dub because I’ve never been to Paris an